On 12/14/09 11:43 AM, Bob Beck wrote:
 From past experience, I would expect much waving of hands over a two
weeks periods, with lots of expert telling you "It's a complicated problem",
running around in circle finding even MORE complicated problems to solve,
and then things going back to its general state of apathy with respect
to security issues.

I don't believe it's apathy, as much as a realization that in general,
the focus of the developers will always be on speed and eye candy to
the expense of all else, including stability and security.

As such we concentrate on looking at things that can mitigate
somewhat, at least in the saner cases, such as when it is not an
accellerated driver with full access to the machine. Then we at least
have some "more secure by default" options.

The fact is though, Monsterously accellerated X with full access to
the machine hardware bypasseses much of the security protection
openbsd provides.  Do some people want/need it? sure. but they sould
do so understanding that they are incurring a greater risk by using
it. in this manner.

Well, Bob, this is much like the new study that just came out for kids, here replace kids by your favorite X users and X developers that wants these goodies.

The conclusion is pretty much the same and can read like:

"The Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry has concluded that an estimated 98 percent of children under the age of 10 are remorseless sociopaths with little regard for anything other than their own egocentric interests and pleasures."


I just don't think in this case here that it is limited to Children only. (;>



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