On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 8:21 PM, Jacob Meuser <jake...@sdf.lonestar.org>
> if you have a tumbler(4) device, there's patches on tech@ to test ...

Yes, this shows up in the dmesg I pasted:

tumbler0 at macobio0 offset 0x10000: irq 30,1,2
audio0 at tumbler0

I presume they are in the mailing list archives?

> someone with the devices with the problems needs to do more to figure
> out what exactly the problem is.  "lacks functional audio" is extremely
> vague.  does audio work otherwise?

Yes, it was a bit too vague.  Audio in the general sense works fine.
I can play things with xmms,
aucat and other applications.  I tried to run aucat -l and while artsd
does use the
audio server, it still does strange things.  When KDE first comes up,
it tries to play the
startup music and about .5s of music comes out, then it switches to
noise (like someone
sent raw binary data to the audio device).

I haven't been able to do much else in the way of  testing
KDE because nothing else in KDE seems to be working.  If I click on
the K menu, there are
literally no applications (even though I have plenty of KDE
installed).  If I try to bring up
the KDE Control Center, the application never appears.  Running it
from an xterm actually
does run it, and I get the following output:

kcontrol: WARNING: No K menu group with X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings found
! Defaulting to Settings/

Which is not surprising given that there are no menus at all with any
applications to speak of.
There are also no options at all in kcontrol.

If I try to run kmenuedit I also get strange errors:

kmenuedit: WARNING: Could not read

And there is nothing in the dialog once it starts.  I searched for an
in /usr/local and couldn't find one either.

Is it possible I'm missing a package:

kdeaddons-3.5.10p1  K Desktop Environment, addons
kdeadmin-3.5.10     K Desktop Environment, admin tools
kdeartwork-3.5.10p2 K Desktop Environment, additional artwork
kdebase-3.5.10p2    K Desktop Environment, basic applications
kdeedu-3.5.10p0     K Desktop Environment, edutainment
kdegames-3.5.10p0   K Desktop Environment, games
kdegraphics-3.5.10  K Desktop Environment, graphic applications
kdelibs-3.5.10p0    K Desktop Environment, libraries
kdemultimedia-3.5.10p1 K Desktop Environment, multimedia applications
kdenetwork-3.5.10p0 K Desktop Environment, network applications
kdepim-3.5.10p0     KDE personal information applications
kdetoys-3.5.10      some useless KDE applications
kdeutils-3.5.10p0   K Desktop Environment, utilities

It seems as though either part of KDE is missing, or the user profile
didn't get everything it needed when
KDE went through the initial setup.  But that doesn't exactly explain
the noise that plays out of the
login and logout KDE music.

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