On 06/09/2015 10:08 PM, RJ Ryan wrote:
I'm for this -- we waste too much time arguing about code style and spend
way too much time cleaning up code.

We do differ from Google C++ style in certain ways. I'm for eliminating
most of the differences.


But I also attach the clang-format file I currently use. It is closest to the style we currently use.

We should do a 1-step reformat-the-world and then distribute a commit hook
to reformat. That will prevent a lot of unrelated noise in PRs.

It looks like reformatting the world will change about 32k lines. That's a
small price to pay for never having to worry about this again.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 4:50 AM, Max Linke <max_li...@gmx.de> wrote:

On 06/08/2015 09:51 AM, Sébastien BLAISOT wrote:


I did recently, as asked by RJ, added some coding style commit in a PR,
particularly on the following rule:

_Plain-text comments should be separated from the comment symbol by a
single space. Commented-out code should have no space between the
comment symbol and the code_

I'm not sure that this kind of rule can be automatically enforced
(detecting if comment is code or plain text is not easy).

Yeah this is not possible. The best solution would be to delete the

We actually have some useful dead debug statements somewhere but most
code gets deleted eventually anyway.

And personally I'm not so set on the spacing rule for code vs text
comments. Every commenting engine I used so far can't handle this case.

+1 for automatic code review that can enforce coding style, security and
sanity checks, ...

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Language:        Cpp
# BasedOnStyle:  Google
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