We also have the related question of how to control which feature's left 
pane appears. It seems there are two design goals:

1. Dragging a track from a right pane to a different feature's left pane 
should be easy. The most prominent use case for this is sorting many 
tracks into many crates.
2. Selecting the left pane for a feature with an open right pane should 
be easy. An example use case is having Library and Auto DJ both open 
with the Library tree on the left. It should be easy to access the Auto 
DJ controls in Auto DJ's left pane from this situation.

Currently, the most obvious way for a user to drag a track from a right 
pane to a different feature's left pane (#1) is:
* Click the feature icon corresponding to the right pane with the 
desired item to drag (for example, a track in Library).
* Focus the other right pane.
* Click the feature icon that has the left pane with desired drop target 
(for example, a crate in the Crates tree). This has the side effect of 
opening the feature's right pane as well.
* Drag and drop easily between left & right.
* When a different left pane is desired, click the corresponding feature 

This works well for design goal #1 but does not accomplish design goal 
#2. The most intuitive way to accomplish design goal #2 would be to open 
the left pane for a feature when its corresponding right pane is 
focused. Currently, users must click the feature icon for the feature 
with the left pane they want to access.

This creates a confusing situation because clicking the feature icons 
has two different purposes: opening a left & right pane for a feature 
that is not open, plus opening a left pane for a feature that already 
has a right pane open. This is especially a problem for unstickied 
features (currently only Crates and Playlists) because the user has to 
be careful to focus the right pane that already has that feature open 
before clicking the feature icon. Otherwise, clicking the feature icon 
will open the desired left pane but also open the undesired right pane 
where the focus currently is, hiding a right feature pane the user may 
have wanted to keep open.

However, the obvious way for accomplishing design goal #2 (opening the 
left pane for a feature when its right pane is focused) would make the 
steps outlined above for design goal #1 impossible. There already is 
another way to drag & drop many tracks between many crates (#1) though:

* Click the feature icon corresponding to the right pane with the 
desired item to drag (for example, a track in Library).
* Drag a track from the right pane
* Hover cursor over feature icon for the feature that has the left pane 
with the desired drop target (for example, Crates list)
* Desired left pane opens, mouse can be released onto drop target

If the user clicks again on a new item in the right pane, the left pane 
that opened by hovering the cursor for the first drag & drop operation 
stays open. The focus has not shifted between the two right panes. This 
makes it easy to do many more drag & drop operations without having to 
hover over a feature icon every time. The problem is that this is not 
easily discoverable. However, I doubt this is something that many users 
will want to do live or even every day. So, I think it will be okay as 
long as this way of dragging & dropping many tracks is documented in the 

On 08/15/2016 11:55 AM, Daniel Schürmann wrote:
> Hi Mixxx developers
> During the review of the library redesign branch, we discovered a design
> issue about how to select where a track table of a feature is shown.
> https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/pull/991
> Basically there are two valid requirements that at somehow incompatible.
> 1. A feature track table should re-appear where it was before. It turns
> out in live test, that undesired panes swapping is annoying, especially
> late at night.
> 2. User expect, that a track table appears in the focused pane. This
> allows to intuitive arrange the desired panes side by side. It is a
> known paradigm from two panes file manager like Nemo.
> In the current implementation we have tried to predict what is the best
> behaviour. Unfortunately it suffers some pending issues. And even if
> they are solved, it will remain confusing that the same action does
> different things, depending on the context.
> What could be a solution?
> -------
> The discussed Idea.
> For me it is important that the Auto DJ tracklist appears on the right
> pane after a single click on the library button.
> The library view should always left.
> Other pane associations should be freely selectable.
> Let's add a pin button to the right pane (in fact to all n+1 panes)
> This way, by default Mixxx works like known from other Apps (2.)
> Following the focus.
> In my use case, I can open the Auto DJ  in the right pane and pin it.
>>From now library panes ... will all appear left. If I need an other
> side by side view
> I can release the pin.
> This does not fullfil pure (1.) but seams to be a good compromise using
> I known paradigm.
> What do you think?
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