On Sunday 29 December 2002 18:13, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> hi -
> >
> > I am trying to convert some MJPEG that I captured with my G400 Marvel
> > to MPEG2.  I have tried an mpeg2enc coomandline sever al times but
> > it's too slow.  The best I can get (with bad quality switches) is
> > 2fps.  But at that rate every hour I record will take 15 hours to
>       On a ~800 MHz Pentium-3 class cpu that sounds about right.   I get
>       somewhere between 1.5 and 2 fps with a 800MHz P3 (I guess the
>       Duron-800 is comparable).
> > What mpeg2enc switches would yield the best speed (at the cost of
> > quality of course)?
>       "-4" and "-2".  The defaults should be ok though (which are "-4 3" and
>       "-2 3" as I recall).    I use "-4 2" which seems to work ok.
>       On a ~2.2GHz P4 I get between 5 and 6 frames/sec for encoding 720x480
>       frames.  It's actually a dual cpu system - one cpu runs the denoiser
>       and the other the encoder - with a buffering process between them
>       the denoisng is almost "free" (the system does become compute bound
>       on both cpus for hours at a time).

Yes this is right. On my system mpeg2enc gets never more then 60-80% of 
cpu-time (estimated by top). The scaler (yuvscaler) takes a lot of cpu-time.

> > From: Laurent Pinchart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > I experience the same speed using a P3-800 with MMX enabled (haven't
> > checked if mpeg2enc actually uses MMX, but configures reports that MMX is
> > enabled and HAVE_ASM_MMX is set to 1 in config.h).
>       It would seem that ~1.5-2.0 fps is about what a 800MHz P3 types of
>       system can do.   One way to speed things up somewhat is to have a
>       dual cpu system so that the denoising/scaling/filtering/whatever
>       can be done in parallel with the encoding.
>       One way to speed things up is to scale the data to a smaller
>       size - for DVDs 352x480 is legal - that should double the encoding
>       rate.
here you have to make sure to deinterlace before and maybe use bicubic-scaling 
to become good results. So maybe the speedimprovment is gone then. On 480x576 
I get 8-9 fps on my 1,1Ghz Duron (morgan).

>       The other way to speed things up of course is to have a faster cpu :-)
>       I've read that the P4's MMX/MMX2 implementation is more efficient
>       than that of the P3.

A really interesting thread for me. But I can't believe the speeds of 30 fps 
with mpeg2enc on today systems as someone stated here. 

Some questions that comes in my mind:

Is mplayer as scaler faster then yuvscaler ? (with 

Is a normal homenetwork (100Mbit) fast enough for scaling on a different 
machine ? ( 500Mhz Athlon  for scaling and so on, 1,1 Ghz Duron for 

An encoding speed of 20 fps would make me fairly happy, as the encoding queue 
is far better on linux then on an other OS where there fast&expensive 
encoders ;) 

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