hi -

> I am trying to convert some MJPEG that I captured with my G400 Marvel
> to MPEG2.  I have tried an mpeg2enc coomandline sever al times but
> it's too slow.  The best I can get (with bad quality switches) is
> 2fps.  But at that rate every hour I record will take 15 hours to

        On a ~800 MHz Pentium-3 class cpu that sounds about right.   I get
        somewhere between 1.5 and 2 fps with a 800MHz P3 (I guess the
        Duron-800 is comparable).

> What mpeg2enc switches would yield the best speed (at the cost of
> quality of course)?

        "-4" and "-2".  The defaults should be ok though (which are "-4 3" and
        "-2 3" as I recall).    I use "-4 2" which seems to work ok.

        On a ~2.2GHz P4 I get between 5 and 6 frames/sec for encoding 720x480
        frames.  It's actually a dual cpu system - one cpu runs the denoiser
        and the other the encoder - with a buffering process between them
        the denoisng is almost "free" (the system does become compute bound 
        on both cpus for hours at a time).

> From: Laurent Pinchart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I experience the same speed using a P3-800 with MMX enabled (haven't checked 
> if mpeg2enc actually uses MMX, but configures reports that MMX is enabled and 
> HAVE_ASM_MMX is set to 1 in config.h).

        It would seem that ~1.5-2.0 fps is about what a 800MHz P3 types of 
        system can do.   One way to speed things up somewhat is to have a
        dual cpu system so that the denoising/scaling/filtering/whatever
        can be done in parallel with the encoding.

        One way to speed things up is to scale the data to a smaller 
        size - for DVDs 352x480 is legal - that should double the encoding 

        The other way to speed things up of course is to have a faster cpu :-)
        I've read that the P4's MMX/MMX2 implementation is more efficient
        than that of the P3.

        Steven Schultz

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