
> From: Steffen Barszus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     On a ~2.2GHz P4 I get between 5 and 6 frames/sec for encoding 720x480
> >     frames.  It's actually a dual cpu system - one cpu runs the denoiser
> Yes this is right. On my system mpeg2enc gets never more then 60-80% of 
> cpu-time (estimated by top). The scaler (yuvscaler) takes a lot of cpu-time.

        I see mpeg2enc between 90 and 98% most of the time and yuvdenoise
        between 80 and 90% - it's interesting to see a dual P4 system compute
        bound for ~8 hours at a time :)

> >     One way to speed things up is to scale the data to a smaller
> >     size - for DVDs 352x480 is legal - that should double the encoding
> >
> here you have to make sure to deinterlace before and maybe use bicubic-scaling
> to become good results. So maybe the speedimprovment is gone then. On 480x576 

        I've found "yuvscaler -M BICUBIC -O SIZE_352x480" to be quite fast and
        the output is quite acceptable for causual viewing.

        Matto Marjanovic has written another scaling utility which can be
        found at: http://www.mir.com/DMG/Software/y4mscaler.html

        It is an early release and not quite as fast as yuvscaler but perhaps
        the quality is better?  

> A really interesting thread for me. But I can't believe the speeds of 30 fps 
> with mpeg2enc on today systems as someone stated here. 

        When 30fps rates are mentioned they are almost always talking about
        352x240 (VCD) MPEG-1 and _not_ 720x480 (DVD).   

> Is mplayer as scaler faster then yuvscaler ? (with 
> cropping/letterboxing/filter)

        It is very rare (on my systems) to see yuvscaler use more than 10% or
        so of the cpu (as estimated by 'top')

> Is a normal homenetwork (100Mbit) fast enough for scaling on a different 
> machine ? ( 500Mhz Athlon  for scaling and so on, 1,1 Ghz Duron for encoding).

        I think it will be fast enough but I wonder if the IP/TCP overhead
        (which will show up as 'system time' in "top") might reduce the cpu
        cycles available for encoding.

> An encoding speed of 20 fps would make me fairly happy, as the encoding queue 
> is far better on linux then on an other OS where there fast&expensive 

        I wonder how the hardware encoders (found in the DVD recorders) manage
        to get 30fps realtime encoding - 30GHz cpus? :) :)

        Steven Schultz

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