On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Andrew Stevens wrote:
> >     Hmmm, without the -I 0 I only get about 15 Frame/sec on my Athlon
> >     2800.  Does -I 0 make that big of a difference?
> -I 0  really does make that big a difference.  If you know you don't have 
> interlaced material then you should always use it.   One of the many many 
> things for the list is a quick and dirty interlace-detector that activates 
> this if the frame looks to have significant decorrelation between adjacent 
> lines.

What is it about interlacing that makes it so hard?  I can see how trying to
detect interlaced vs progressive source, or an inverse-telecin filter, would
be extra work.  But is a 720x480x30fps interlace source really any different
than a 720x240x60fps progressive source?

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