On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 07:31:45PM -0800, Trent Piepho wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> Have you tried upgrading autoconf on an old system?  It's nearly impossible.

Well, yes and no.  Installing updated vesions of the autotools is
pretty straightforward if you're used to installing things from source.
A quick primer for those who haven't done it:

  download and unpack tarfiles


  export PATH=$prefix/bin:$PATH
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$prefix/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  export CPPFLAGS=-I$prefix/include
  export LDFLAGS=-L$prefix/lib
  cd autoconf-2.59 && ./configure --prefix=$prefix && make && make install
  cd automake-1.9.4 && ./configure --prefix=$prefix && make && make install
  cd libtool-1.5.10 && ./configure --prefix=$prefix && make && make install

That will leave you with a clean, new autotools in your path.  You can
run autogen.sh and it should just ignore whatever versions happen to
be installed by the system packages.

That's the good news.  Now for the bad news...

If the CVS package you're dealing with (such as mjpeg_play) has
external dependencies, then the configure script generation may
require some macros that aren't bundled with autotools.  These would
be defined by m4 files that the dependencies themselves drop into the
share/aclocal directory when you install them.  In the case of
mjpeg_play, it wants m4 files from (and I'm just listing the most
recent stable versions):

  - pkgconfig 0.15.0
  - gtk 1.2.10
  - SDL 1.2.8

Otherwise you get complaints about things like AM_PATH_GTK, and the
resulting configure script is broken.  So you now have a couple options:

  - if you have those dependencies installed in your system directories,
    you can copy the relevant m4 files from the system share/aclocal
    to $prefix/share/aclocal and it might work.

  - you can install those packages with the same prefix as autotools.
    For example download the SDL source and use --prefix=$prefix when
    configuring it.  It will then drop its m4 file into
    $prefix/share/aclocal and your new autotools will see it.

  - there might also be some way to set a search path for the
    aclocal files, but I don't know it off-hand.

Note that this all implies that you might sometimes need to install
several of a package's _optional_ dependencies in order to get
configure script generation to work.  The configure script may need
macros from those optional packages even if you don't intend to enable
them when you do the build.

> > > The minimum versions must be very bleeding edge, when redhat 9
> > > and slackware
> >     
> >     No, not really.  But their also not years old either (RH9 went end of 
> >     life a some time back - they're up to fedora 3 or whatever now).

To see what the fuss is about I just tried doing CVS mjpeg_play and
indeed it was a bit painful.  I was doing this on a server system that
had very little desktop stuff installed; for example no GTK+ or
pkgconfig in the system directories.  I did all of the above to
install a local copy of the latest autotools, as well as SDL and
pkgconfig under the same prefix.

Then I hit GTK+.  I actually have a copy of GTK+-2 already installed
for gimp (in a different non-standard prefix), but its aclocal file
was too new.  The mjpeg_play configure needs specifically GTK+-1,
which is of course several years old now.  I tried installing it but
apparently glib-1.2.10 makes use of some gcc extensions that were
deprecated in the meantime and are no longer supported at all in gcc
3.4.2.  Luckily I still have an older gcc 3.3.3 lying around and that
was able to get glib compiled (albeit with many warnings):

  cd glib-1.2.10 && env CC=/path/to/old/gcc ./configure --prefix=$prefix \
    && make && make install

After all that, I was finally able to run autogen.sh successfully in
mjpeg_play.  I proceeded to configure, make, and make install without
any overt breakage.  mplex and its libraries seem to have been
installed along with everything else.

                                                  -Dave Dodge

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