
> I am trying to digitize a movie using quicktime with lavrec:
> lavrec -f q -i p -R l -a 16 -c 2 -g 768x576 -d 1 -q 80 -w movie.mov
> I canīt get passed the error message "broken JPEG format" regardless the 
> version of the driver or the tools I use.
Have you tried it without the -g and using only -d 1, and a lower
quality factor like 50.

Does the AVI record mode work: -f a ?

> Hardware: DC10+, Audigy2
> Distri: SuSE 9.2
> Kernel: 2.6.8
Do you use the original suse kernel ?
Than I would try first the zoran driver Suse includes in the linux
kernel. Form most things the zoran driver in the kernel (> 2.6.0) should
work well.  

> Driver: driver_zoran 0.9.4 / driver_zoran 0.9.5 / driver_zoran 0.9.5 CVS from 
> March the 16th.
> mjpegtools: 1.6.2 (release), 1.7.x (CVS from March the 16th)
> libquicktime: 0.9.3 / 0.9.4 / CVS from March the 10th
> I started with zoran 0.9.4, libquicktime 0.9.3 and mjpegtools 1.6.2.
> I first have upgraded the driver to 0.9.5 and than to 0.9.5 CVS.
> Than I have upgraded the libquicktime and mjpegtools including the depending 
> libraries and tools.
When you use the 1.6.2 mjpegtools you should use 0.9.3 libquicktime.
When you use the 0.9.4 libquicktime, you need to use the cvs version of
the mjpegtools. 

The zoran driver 0.9.4 should work with 2.4.x kernel and the first 2.6.0
kernel. For later kernes you should use the 0.9.5 zoran driver or the
CVS version. 

> But the result is the same.
> As far as I know the problem with libquicktime and the decimation setting of 
> "1" should have been resolved
> by using the latest driver (message in this list).
Do lower resolutions and/or quality settings work ?
Does AVI work ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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