
> Hallo
> > > > I have tried several combinations.
> > > > The problem is independend of the settings of the quality and the 
> > > > geometry factor.
> > > > If the decimation is changed to something other than "1" the recording 
> > > > is fine.
> > > Does it break after a certain time ?
> > > I have just recorded 1:20 minute from the BUZ without problems, and from
> > > the DC30, and the videos is ok.
> > It breaks immediately after starting the recording.
> > Here the command:
> > lavrec -f q -i p -R l -a 16 -c 2 -g 768x576 -d 1 -q 10 -w movie.mov
> My usuall command works well:
> lavrec -f q -i P -d 1 -q 55 -s -l 60 -R l test03.mov
> I have tried you command than I got a error I have NEVER seen before:
> *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption: 0x0805cb18 ***0.019
> That stream is broken. 

I have seen this error too, but couldnīt reproduce it.
It just occured once.

> > **ERROR: [lavrec] Error writing to output file movie.mov: Internal: broken 
> > JPEG format
> > ++ WARN: [lavrec] Closing file(s) and exiting - output file(s) my not be 
> > readable due to error
> Never seen it breaking that way. the Last time. 
> > I use the CVS Version of mjpegtools (mid of march), the CVS release of 
> > libquicktime
> > (march) and the CVS version of the zoran driver (mid of march).
> Sounds ok.
> > > > > Does the AVI record mode work: -f a ?
> > > > Recording an AVI with decimation of "1" is possible.
> > > Does possible mean "works without framedrops for more than X minutes" ?
> > Yes. Recoding an AVI movie works with decimation "1" for at least 10 minutes
> > without framedrops (just tested).
> Just recording with your adapted command:
> lavrec -f q -i P -R l -a 16 -c 2 -d 1 -q 10 movie.mov
> For about 1:23, than it broke the same way, with that glibc message,
> twice. 
> Could you try once my command (I guess the result is the same):
> lavrec -f q -i P -d 1 -q 55 -s -l 60 -R l test03.mov

I will try your command (hopefully this evening).

> I have once recorde for 20 Minutes and 2nd test running for 10 Minutes.
> And the videos were ok.
> > > > I started with the SuSE 9.2 standard kernel and tools.
> > > > Unfortunately quicktime is not supported by the mjpegtools SuSE supplies
> > > > as standard. One has to grab a replacement package or compile its one.
> > > The main difference I see between your installation and my Suse 9.2 ist
> > > that I use a selfe compiled original linux 2.6.9 kernel.
> > 
> > I use the Kernel 2.6.8 supplied by SuSE through their update service (YOU)
> > with the zoran driver (CVS version) compiled as external kernel module.
> The kernel ist the main differnce. 
> I use a SB-Life and a BUZ or DC30  for recording. 

I have just tested the latest 2.6.11-5 kernel (directly from kernel.org) .
Even the cmd: lavrec -f q -i p -c 2 -R l -g 768x576 -d 1 -q 100 movie.mov
worked for at least 2 minutes.
I will do some more testing.

Kind regards
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