<<Heroin addiction honorable...I would never have thought to say something
like that. I have no sympathy for drug addicts, because (for the most part)
they choose to make that first step...I mean, how fucking stupid do you have
to be to shoot one of the most addictive substances in the world straight
into your veins? I'm sorry, but we *all* have choices, *all* the time...and
people have to be responsible for those choices.>>

Yes, heroin is pretty bad, but no sympathy, i find that hard to believe.
Sure, everyone has choices, and most certainly we should be responsible for
the actions that we take, but were human, and from time to time we do really
stupid things.  How much more intelligent is it to take the single most
addictive substance in the world(far more powerful than heroin) and inhale
it, along with deadly tar, directly into your lungs for no other purpose
than a mild dizzy feeling the first time you try it (if your lucky and enjoy
being dizzy..and are too lazy to spin yourself in your chair a few times).
The only reason people don't kill themselves from nicotine withdrawl is that
the ammount of nicotine in four packs of ciggarrets isn't really even
compareable to the amount of herion in one needle.  So yeah, we all have
choices, and we all make stupid, uniformed ones, but that doesn't make us
any less human, if anything, it makes us all too human.

Whomever said that heroin addiction was honorable is a crackhead however.

So it was that Lone came to know himself; and like the handful of people
who have done so before him he found, at this pinnacle, the rugged foot
of a mountain. 

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