I think it all just comes down to what we choose to use to take the edge 
off, if you will. Some people like to shoot up heroin, some people like to 
go for a 15 mile run. Who's to say which is better? Heroin in well 
controlled moderation will actually never be a problem if you never 
stop...running's good for your heart if you don't do it too much. Either one 
will fuck your shit up pretty hardcore (running *obviously* far less so than 
black tar H) if you do too much of it.
I think everyone uses something to escape. If it's not drugs it's 
television, it's video games, it's sex, it's food...everyone's addicted to 
I have henceforth decided to stay out of everyone else's private exploits. 
We can all do whatever the hell we want to do to ourselves.

>Subject: [MMouse]: (no subject)
>Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:06:27 EST
>     <Other than being the spring board for cultivation and civilized 
>the part    they've played in spirtuality, and in helping us to understand
>very complex    abstract ideas, is also quite profound. >
>hmmm... last time i checked, i could understand complex and abstract ideas
>regardless of the fact that i have never ever once smoked the wacky
>tabaccy... i'm with the person who pretty much advocated the concept of 
>pure (straight edge if you will)... i have, at several points in time in my
>life, put substances into my body (granted it's a total of about 3 beers 
>about a pack of cloves in 20 years... i'm so not hardcore)... but i can say
>that i feel much better about myself knowing that i have no dependence on
>anything.  i am not a slave to wasting money on things that don't benefit 
>physical well-being (ie cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, etc).  i don't need 
>to help me do anything... anything that weed would help me accomplish, i 
>do myself.... and i'm just not 80's enough to try and bring back coke.  i
>know that i am very naive about drugs in general, just because i try and
>distance them from me... i am fucked up enough already... i really don't 
>malt liquor in my system to act like a jackass... i do that shit sober... 
>somehow i've been able to conjure up the ability to comprehend highly
>profound things without being high.  i guess i'm a fucking marvel of the
>modern age... i'm not saying that i am better than anyone because they do 
>substances like nicotine and thc into thier system, because i believe that 
>long as you are making yourself happy that the shit someone does is alright
>with me (some exceptions... molesting kids is not cool, even if it makes 
>happy... nor is fucking the family pet)... i know it's all about dif'rent
>strokes for dif'rent folks... it's just that some folks stroke it with an 
>love and mango,

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