The philly show was definitely an experience, and it seems like every show I
go to, the new guy playing guitar fucks up a song.   I have only two
questions, 1) how could you not sing along to trailer trash(which it seemed
90% of the audience wasn't doing) and 2) How could you not dance during
cowboy dan(which it also seemed like 90% of the audience wasn't doing).
Modest mouse was great, the crowd was really boring.  That version of cowboy
dan they played was by far the high point of the show, completely blew me
away.  I could barely make out the crazy guitar parts in tundra/desert, and
there was no awww shit to anchor me.  There was one part of the show, where
issac was flooded with blue light, and sort of turned his back to the
audience...I saw one kid up front snap a shot of him..that would be an
awesome picture.  I have never seen a crowd so afraid to touch one another.

anticipatory causation is resperatory.
Blieb immer locker.

PS..I am sorry to those in front who got hit by that would be crowd surfer,
he asked and I seemed like a good thing to do at the time.  

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