hi mod_perl gurus,

    I'm currently in dire problems (read sh*t):

        - In one week my Embperl powerd site debuts.

        - Just now, my webmaster tells me that I can't use Embperl _nor_
ePerl. Previously he had told me to use ePerl o whatever I wanted, now
he's worried about security.

        - He claims that he cannot allow me to run anything under
mod_perl (and derivatives as Embperl) because mod_perl brings Apache
down when it crashes.

        - On the other hand, he'll allow me to use perl in CGI scripts.

        - Of course that's not what I want :)  !!!

        - Is there a way to configure mod_perl so that it does not crash
apache down? Or maybe it never does and he doesn't know?

        - For clarity: he's webmaster at the ISP where I host my sites.
Not my own webmaster. *I'm* my own webmaster :)

    Thanks for your time.

   - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
    - http://www.scim.net      | God is real until  -
    - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

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