It is extraordinarily easy to make persistnt perl engines core dump
especailly if youare using 3rd party binary compiled modules that have
their own subtle bugs. And extraordinarily annoying to troubleshoot.

Either that or I have been very "lucky". ;)

However, with that said, it's generally not at all that bad with APache
because of the nature of it being multiprocessing based as you mentioned.


On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Martin A. Langhoff wrote:
> > hi mod_perl gurus,
> > 
> >     I'm currently in dire problems (read sh*t):
> > 
> >         - In one week my Embperl powerd site debuts.
> > 
> >         - Just now, my webmaster tells me that I can't use Embperl _nor_
> > ePerl. Previously he had told me to use ePerl o whatever I wanted, now
> > he's worried about security.
> > 
> >         - He claims that he cannot allow me to run anything under
> > mod_perl (and derivatives as Embperl) because mod_perl brings Apache
> > down when it crashes.
> Well, the extent this will happen is to 1 process. Not the whole httpd. So
> 1 user gets a disconnect. That's all.
> >         - On the other hand, he'll allow me to use perl in CGI scripts.
> > 
> >         - Of course that's not what I want :)  !!!
> > 
> >         - Is there a way to configure mod_perl so that it does not crash
> > apache down? Or maybe it never does and he doesn't know?
> First of all, this will only happen if perl crashes. I'm yet to see perl
> core dump. Maybe I'm unique in this experience. This includes running perl
> on NT since it was HiP Communications Perl. So yes - if perl crashes your 1
> httpd will come tumbling down. And apache will happily spawn another one
> for you. I suppose it's possible that XS code will core dump - e.g.
> embperl. But I've never run embperl or anything that I don't consider
> stable enough to work with, so I can't comment on that. I doubt very much
> you'll have some obscure XS bug that won't show up until your site goes
> live - but you never know I guess.
> -- 
> <Matt/>
> Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
> Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
> Web Sites:
> Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

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