Does anybody see a niche for a new web-hosting company specializing in
mode_perl and other goodies, rather than the generic "package" ? Matt ?
That could ease the management problem of "we agree mod_perl is great,
but our hoster won't run it".
I for one ended up having to host my own website because nobody would
host mod_perl & msql for less than an arm and a leg.

Gidon Wise wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I believe it is true. We could have more more mod_perl programmers.
> I think that the biggest problem/opportunity that mod_perl has in terms
> of proliferation amongst programmers/users is that Hosts currently
> do not provide mod_perl on cheap virtual server package.
> I think a whole lot of perl programmers and non perl programmers
> would move to mod_perl if the service was provided.
> Currently in The Guide it discusses 3 possibilities for Hosts.
> Are there any other ways that we can suggest to hosts
> which are easier for all involved? I am not that experienced with mod_perl
> so I cannot propose a robust solution. But I do believe there must be one.
> Even a limited/special version or configuration of mod_perl would do.
> Why is just offering PerlRun, or something like it, not an option?
> I don't know PerlRun, but doesn't that clean things up a bit?
> The PHP people managed to get into the Virtual server space
> and I think it has been a great boost for the Hosts and the low
> budget Customers. But there are a lot of perl programmers and
> perl programs out there that could use the boost as well. And even
> programmers who have the resources, when they choose which language
> to use, sometimes have to consider that instances of their programs
> will be used by people without the resources to have mod_perl.
> A limited mod_perl that Hosts can use and advertise
> could help mod_perl and a whole lot of perl programmers
> to use Perl on the smaller, acorn-like, projects.
> It would also encourage new programmers to use perl
> as they toy on their first projects.
> In anycase, thanks for listening to my pep talk, and good morning!
> Stas Bekman wrote:
> >
> > Hi, folks
> >
> > You wouldn't beleive but I receive a great deal of mod_perl job offers.
> > Here is a partial quote of the most generic content of the offer:
> >
> >   At any rate, we're finding it very hard to find mod_perl people and I
> >   thought maybe you could refer me to someone you know. I can tell you
> >   more about the client and the positions if you're interested.
> >
> > Which makes me thinking that we are too few and the demand is growing
> > (which is good for us :), but from the other side it's bad for mod_perl,
> > as when a project staff understands the power of mod_perl and want to use
> > it but have no experience with mod_perl and can hire none of mod_perl
> > programmers, there is no other choice left as to use some other probably
> > worse technology because they could dig up the required man power that has
> > the required knowledge in the other field.
> >
> > Now the question is: if this is truth and you feel the same way, how do we
> > make the world know that there is a great demand for mod_perl programmers
> > and that people should learn mod_perl and not the stright-forward choice
> > like VB, ASP or other technology that drives the web?
> >
> > Ideas?
> >
> > _______________________________________________________________________
> > Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at
> >  &  ==  ||
> > single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Rod Butcher                 | "... I gaze at the beauty of the world,
Hyena Holdings Internet     | its wonders and its miracles and out of
      Programming           | sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.
("it's us or the vultures") | And then the people of the jungle say,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | 'It is but the laughter of a hyena'".
                            |    Kahlil Gibran..  The Wanderer

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