On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 11:15:53PM +0200, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > Does anybody see a niche for a new web-hosting company specializing in
> > mode_perl and other goodies, rather than the generic "package" ? Matt ?
> > That could ease the management problem of "we agree mod_perl is great,
> > but our hoster won't run it".
> > I for one ended up having to host my own website because nobody would
> > host mod_perl & msql for less than an arm and a leg.
> Sure, Rod, there is a niche
> Build a rack of machines, give each client a dedicated box and have solved
> the problem of many people seeking mod_perl support. The question is how
> much this service is going to cost...
Painful question.

I guess the answer lies in how much responsibility the ISP is being
asked to shoulder.

I've thought about putting together a package of
1) Apache
2) mod_perl
3) mysql
4) reverse proxy cache
5) a slice of raid
6) automated remote backup
7) hardware update calendars...

But you can't walk into Exodus without paying $750 for rackspace...

Is this Rod's proverbial arm and a leg?

Quite frankly, providing a service like this is a bit more interesting
to me at the moment than actuall programming.  If anyone is looking to
partner up to make a service like this a reality, I'd certainly be 
interested in chatting.


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