Stas Bekman wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, Bill Marrs wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been using mod_perl successfully albeit minimally for a couple months
> > now.
> > I'm trying to tune performance and memory usage by consolidating some
> > common Perl "use" directives in a PerlRequire statement.  However, when I
> > add this line to my Apache config file (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf), the
> > server fails to come up - and also give no indication that I can find of a
> > problem.  So, I don't know what's going wrong.
> >
> > Here's what I'm adding to my httpd.conf file:
> >
> > PerlRequire /home/ugtz/
> >
> >
> > I have the usual stuff in my /home/ugtz/ file, actually I tried
> > commenting everything but the #!/usr/local/bin/perl and the "1;" at the
> > end, and it still failed.  So, I don't think the contents of the file are
> > at fault.
> >
> > My httpd error log doesn't say anything is wrong, it actually doesn't log
> > anything - like it never got that far...

make sure no server is running on port 80 or use an alternate config with
an alternate port if you are on a production server.
cd /usr/local/apache/bin  # where ever your binary is
gdb httpd
set args -X -f /path/to/alternate/serverconfig_ifneeded.conf

it should blow up!

this will show you a backtrace of what was happening when it blew up.
post that to the list and we may be able to come up with some better
guesses as to the problem.  make sure to include versions of apache,
mod perl and perl.

hope this helps,

cliff rayman

p.s. stas - I thought I learned this procedure from the guide - now I cannot
find it.  could be that I am tired.

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