On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Pascal Eeftinck wrote:

> At 11:25 1-2-2000 -0600, Leslie Mikesell wrote:
> >According to Elizabeth Mattijsen:
> >
> > > We have been using such a setup for over 2 years now.  The only real issue
> > > we've found is not so much with mod_perl itself, but with MySQL.  If you
> > > put your databases on the NetApp, either have a seperate central database
> > > server, or make damn sure you do not use the same database from two
> > > different front-end servers.  We've seen database corruption that way
> > > (using Linux front-end servers with NFS 2).
> >
> >It is probably reasonable for MySQL to assume that only one server
> >is accessing the files at once since it has its own remote client
> >access protocol.  Do you happen to know if there is a performance
> >difference for MySQL between local drives and a NetApp?
> All MySQL operations are atomic. You can always be sure that no two threads
> will be updating a table at the same time, for example. If you need to work
> on multiple tables while making sure data stays consistent among them, lock
> these tables before use.
> A single MySQL server will have no problems running with its databases
> mounted on an NFS store, although performance probably won't be very good.
> It shouldn't hurt too much for huge tables that you don't access that
> heavily, but those that you do use frequently had better be kept on a local
> disk. Of course you can just make symlinks in your var directory to the
> tables that you've stored on an NFS store somewhere.
> Multiple MySQL servers running on the same database stored on an NFS store
> is not something you should try at all. Threaded locking is unreliable by
> itself on Solaris and Linux if I read the MySQL docs correctly, and NFS
> locking is worse than that. You'd absolutely need a thread-safe flock()
> implementation that works over NFS as well - good luck with your quest. :)
> When you do use locking, be very very careful if you use Apache::DBI or
> similar persistent connections. MySQL threads keep tables locked until
> the thread ends (connection is closed) or the tables are unlocked. If your
> session die()'s while tables are locked, they will stay neatly locked as
> your connection won't be closed either .... This was a nasty one I bumped
> in to ...

Unless you write a clean code that worries to clean up no matter what
happens to the script. This is a snippet from my DB handling code. It's a
part of the bigger OO module, but notice the DESTROY subroutine that
worries to unlock the tables and disconnect if you aren't using
Apache::DBI (if you do it's just a NOP)

# lock the passed tables in the requested mode (READ|WRITE) and set
# internal flag to handle possible user abortions, so the tables will
# be unlocked thru the END{} block
# sql_lock_tables('table1','lockmode',..,'tableN','lockmode'
# lockmode = (READ | WRITE)
# _side_effect_ $self->{lock} = 'On';
sub sql_lock_tables{
  my $self   = shift;
  my %modes = @_;

  return unless %modes;

  my $do_sql = 'LOCK TABLES ';
  $do_sql .= join ",", map {"$_ $modes{$_}"} keys %modes;

  $self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);

    # Enough to set only one lock, unlock will remove them all
  $self->{lock} = 'On';

} # end of sub sql_lock_tables

# unlock all tables, unset internal flag to handle possible user
# abortions, so the tables will be unlocked thru the END{} block
# sql_unlock_tables()
# _side_effect_: delete $self->{lock}
sub sql_unlock_tables{
  my $self   = shift;

  my $do_sql = 'UNLOCK TABLES ';

  $self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);

    # Enough to set only one lock, unlock will remove them all
  delete $self->{lock};

} # end of sub sql_unlock_tables

# DESTROY makes all kinds of cleanups if the fuctions were interuppted
# before their completion and haven't had a chance to make a clean up.
  my $self = shift;

  $self->sql_unlock_tables() if defined $self->{lock};

  $self->{sth}->finish     if defined $self->{sth} and $self->{sth};
  $self->{dbh}->disconnect if defined $self->{dbh} and $self->{dbh};

} # end of sub DESTROY

Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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