On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Tim Bunce wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 11:16:23AM -0800, siberian wrote:
> > Hi All-
> >     I am building a pretty in depth architecture for our new service
> > using ModPerl. I've done a lot of large scale/high traffic apps in modperl
> > before but never in conjunction with a network attached file server. I am
> > thinking that it would really make my life easy to have one central
> > repository of code, databases and sundry files that all the servers share
> > ( making it easy to swap out servers, add servers etc since its a central
> > file repository that everyone just hooks into ).
> > 
> > My question is : Has anyone experienced any 'gotchas' in putting perl code
> > that modperl handlers use on a Network Attached file server like a network
> > appliance box ( www.netapp.com )? I am assuming that there are no real
> > issues but before i go blow a ton of cash on this thing I wanted to be
> > sure that no one had found a problem.
> And, just to be balanced, has anyone _not_ found any 'gotchas' and is
> enjoying life with a netapp or similar NFS file serving appliance?

I haven't really had any gotchas in terms of performance.  But you do 
have to plan things out if you are going to be working in a mixed 
NFS+CIFS environment because of permission issues.  Also I had a really 
hard time accessing a share with samba.  Supposedly that is fixed now 
but I have not had reason to test it.


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