On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 01:01:43PM +0100, R. F. Lens wrote:
> Hi,
> We've been running a modperl environment 'on' a NetApp since dec 1997
> and would't even dare to think about going back;). We've found no
> gotcha's. Iff you can afford it I can really recommend it. The way we
> use it is that we store all configs, libraries and sites on the netapp.
> As a front-end we have 'cheap' PC's running Linux. The disks in the PC's
> are only used for the OS and temporary storage of logs, etc.

What level of web traffic are you handling 'from' the netapp?
E.g., how much traffic to the netapp is there when your web site
is getting peak traffic?


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