>>>>> "FML" == Flemming Mahler Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

FML> It seems as this has the effect that each server process keeps its own
FML> copy of the templates. I would like to avoid this by using some sort of
FML> shared memory between the server processes. Does any of you have any
FML> experience in this field (or even better examples of how to do it)?

If that's the case then there's something wrong with your OS' virtual
memory system or it is really ancient.

If you preload the information at server start time, the forked off
children *should* share the same physical memory pages until they
modify them (copy on write.)  Your OS may report the memory used for
each child, giving the illusion that more memory is used.  The only
way to really tell is to figure out how much of the memory is in
shared pages.  That's a highly os-dependent thing, and you have not
yet shared those details with us.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Rockville, MD       +1-301-545-6996
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