On Sun, 23 Apr 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> I agree... but to some degree I hope this has been done for many of the 
> major modules and the major DBI modules (eg DBD sybase)... as they ended up 
> having to work on ActiveState's PerlEx which uses a similar model. In a 
> way, PerlEx's model has been a test for mod_perl 2.0.

indeed.  PerlEx uses PERL_OBJECT, which is similar in concept to
USE_ITHREADS.  we all owe a great deal of thanks to ActiveState
for sponsoring Gurusamy Sarathy's work on 5.6.0.  without the USE_ITHREADS
implementation, mod_perl would be next to useless with threaded apache-2.0

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