IPC::Cache has worked like a champ for me on a heavily loaded webserver.
It's simple and (I'm lead to believe) it's a compiled module.  You interact
with it like a hash file, but if you're clever you can work it out for your
usage without semaphores.  It also behaves itself very nicely (no memory
leaks that I have run into).

Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: mod_perl and IPC

Hi there,

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Reilly, Thomas wrote:

> I have to find out what the best method is for having mod_perl have
> bi-directional communication with a unix daemon process which will
> receive a string (for simplicity!) from mod_perl, (extracted from
> the client request), talk to existing c-code which accesses and uses
> the string to update a database. The database will trigger a
> response which has to get back to the client via mod_perl!

I think you should consider incorporating the program into a Perl
module instead of having it run as a separate daemon if you think it's
at all possible.  Your daemon could be a bottleneck and you could find
that the extra layer of complexity gives you grief you don't need.
There are easy ways to talk to databases from inside Perl modules.
Look in the Guide, which is at

> I want to also ensure my machine doesn't fall over after receiving
> multiple requests

Yup, copy that.  How much RAM in your machine?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated as i'm kinda feeling around in
> the dark at the moment

Hey, join the club!


> Thomas Reilly
> Software Consultant,
> Distributed Software Consultancy Ltd.,
> Ballybrit Business Park,Galway,Ireland.
> Tel: +353 (91) 760541 Fax: +353 (91) 760542
> web: http://www.dscie.com

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