I've noticed something peculiar with Apache::ASP. It does not seem to be
initializing variables to 0. That is, if I load one ASP webpage that sets
a variable to X, then in the next ASP webpage the variable is initialized
to X instead of 0. Is this intended behavior, or is it a bug?

Also, I was wondering if there is a way to make Apache::ASP print more
meaningful error messages when a compile error is encountered, instead of
"500 Internal Server Error". Right now I have to look in my HTTP error
log, which gives something like this:

[Fri May 26 05:56:54 2000] [error] [asp] [31714] [error] Bad name after
Arrest' at (eval 31) line 96. <--> ,
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1180
Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 20) line 96, near
        (Missing operator before re?)

This also does not tell me the filename of the script that caused the
problem, so sometimes I have to guess when my script uses #include file.
It would be nice if Apache::ASP would display the error message right
there on the webpage (a la IIS ASP).


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