I've also played with the idea of creating a similiar class, but have not
 had time to really get on with it.. The best client sniffer that I have 
 found thus far is a javascript (ewww) one.. but it would rock to have this
 functionality as an apache mod!


 I'm more than willing to help with this if you so desire.. just haven't 
 gotten around to it myself yet.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

> I am about to embark on a journey to find/create a brower sniffing
> module. It should get three things: 1) Browser 2) Version 3) Platform.
> Has anyone created such a beast? If I write it myself, I will be happy
> to share the code with those on the list.
> I'm hoping it's been done already, because the user-agent strings are
> terribly inconsistent...



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