At 09:06 AM 6/30/00 +0700, Edwin Pratomo wrote:
>Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:
> >
> > > I'm hoping it's been done already, because the user-agent strings are
> > > terribly inconsistent...
> >
> > I needed something like that once and ended up with this:
> >
> > sub UA {
> >   my $ua = shift;
> >   my $n = "";
> >   my $v = "";
>this doesn't seem to be aware of either WAP browsers or the emulators.
>A typical usage of this is to return WML pages if the request comes from
>a WAP browser, otherwise return html pages.

That is a different method.

The fact is that you can't really easily tell if a browser is WAP or not 
from the useragent because there are new ones coming out every day... every 
phone and potentially every gateway is a user agent (the gateway may add 
its own details since it is the client that is actually going to the web 

It is part of the HTTP standard to negotiate content. So if a WAP browser 
can't digest HTML, then text/html will not be among the content types that 
it accepts I suspect.

I would be interested if anyone else has checked this out. I tend to just 
check a use_wap=on variable in our latest scripts and turn on WML 
generation for that. Although I know it's a kludge, I haven't really minded 
because I figure every WML site will end up having an index.wml file as a 
frontpage which will navigate the user to the full cgi-bin URL.

The reality is that no user in their right mind would ever type in a full 
cgi-bin URL on one of those silly WAP phones. I have one and I got carpal 
tunnel typing bla bla


Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

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