Casey Bristow wrote:
>  I've also played with the idea of creating a similiar class, but have not
>  had time to really get on with it.. The best client sniffer that I have
>  found thus far is a javascript (ewww) one.. but it would rock to have this
>  functionality as an apache mod
Thanks for the link. It will be most useful as I improve the sniffing

Here is the code I have thus far. It seems to work with IE 4+ on Mac &
windoze, NS 3+ on Mac & Windoze, and it recognizes my linux Netscape as
unix :-). It is very simplistic, but I guess something is better than

sub BrowserPlatform {
        my $self = shift;
        my $agent = shift || $self->{R}->headers_in->get('User-Agent');
        $agent = lc($agent);
        my ($platform, $browser, $version) = ('','',0);
        # browser version
        if ( $agent =~ /msie (\d)/ ) { 
                $version = int($1);
        } elsif ($agent =~ m#^mozilla/(\d)#) {
                $version = int($1)
        } else {
                $version = 3;
        # check browser
        if ( $agent =~ /mozilla/ && $agent !~ /msie/ ) { 
                $browser = 'netscape'; 
        } elsif ( $agent =~ /msie/ ) { 
                $browser = 'msie'; 
        } else {
                $browser = 'other';
        # check platform
        if ( $agent =~ /mac/ or $agent =~ /ppc/ or $agent =~ /powerpc/) { 
                $platform = 'mac'; 
        } elsif ( $agent =~ /win/ ) { 
                $platform = 'win'; 
        } elsif ($agent =~ /linux/ or $agent =~ /sunos/) {
                $platform = 'unix';
        } else {
                $platform = 'other';
        print STDERR "BrowserPlatform: Browser=$browser Platform=$platform
Version=$version\n" if $DEBUG;
        return ($browser, $platform, $version);

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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