.------[ Pramod Sokke wrote (2000/07/06 at 12:03:02) ]------
 |  We are running Netscape Enterprise server with cgis written in perl and C.
 |  I'm looking at moving over to Apache and start using mod_perl. How
 |  simple/complex do you think the process is going to be?
 |  There are tons of scripts distributed all over the place here. Would moving
 |  over to Apache/mod_perl going to be a simple plug-in or would it involve
 |  re-writing lots of stuff?

    From what I've gathered moving normal Perl CGIs is no problem what
    so ever.  The C CGIs can continue to run as normal, however without
    the performance benefits that mod_perl offers. 

    You'll probably want to rewrite any heavily utilized scripts, or
    ones that take large amounts of resources to run to take full
    advantage of mod_perl.  What I would suggest is setting up a small
    free Unix box ( Linux, FreeBSD, or whatever ) and moving the site
    over in a development/testing enviroment that way you can see what
    you are going to be up against for sure, in a relatively easy way. 

  Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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