On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Richard Dice wrote:

> > >(Another aspect of how it's
> > >slower is that you won't be able to take advantage of Apache::DBI persistent
> > >database connections with Apache::PerlRun.)
> > 
> > I *think* this is incorrect. PerlRun modules can take advantage of other
> > precached module resources including Apache::DBI.
> You may be right.  I've never actually played around with Apache::PerlRun
> myself, just heard descriptions of its use.  These description, or my
> memory, or both, could be wrong.
> > I do not think this section talks about Apache::DBI not working. Just that
> > the script just does not get cached.
> This would be an easy enough experiment to do, unless someone wants to
> speak out and be an Authoritative Source prior to someone actually
> running the experiment. :-)

I've used Apache::PerlRun with Apache::DBI.  It works fine.  The only
difference between Registry and PerlRun is that PerlRun deletes all
compiled code and globals from the package it puts your script into after
each request.  That means your script has to be compiled every time, but
things in other packages are still persistent, just as they are with

- Perrin

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