Vivek Khera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>> "PS" == Pramod Sokke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> PS> We are running Netscape Enterprise server with cgis written in perl and C.
> PS> I'm looking at moving over to Apache and start using mod_perl. How
>  [ .. ]
> PS> over to Apache/mod_perl going to be a simple plug-in or would it involve
> PS> re-writing lots of stuff?
> The C stuff will probably not be worth rewriting, but that depends on
> what it does.
> The perl stuff will need to be "cleaned" if it is sloppy code.  That
> is, if it is clean running in Perl under "-w" and "use strict" you're
> most likely going to have little difficulty with them.
> But what you should do is use the two-server performance enhancement
> (using mod_proxy and mod_rewrite) and have your legacy apps run on the
> front-end server, and then migrate your perl to the mod_perl backend
> one at a time.

My first thought would be to do some 80/20 analysis and see which bits
are REALLY important.

If it's the C code, do the fastcgi thing (or Velocigen if you want
actual support).

If it's the perl code, then as Vivek says.

Dave Hodgkinson,                             http://www.hodgkinson.org
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star           http://www.deep-purple.com
      Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

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