On 27-Jul-2000 Joshua Chamas wrote:
> I agree with your thoughts completely.  One of the reasons why 
> I built Apache::ASP was that ASP is a widely used standard,
> albeit one that Microsoft developed.  I wanted to be able to 
> leverage the mindshare of ASP scripters & from a templating
> standpoint, and this is part of the reason why I didn't 
> run with Embperl in the first place.  

That doesn't make sense. Granted, Embperl isn't any kind of standard, but any
Perl programmer should be able to pickup Embperl in a day or so and Perl is
pretty much THE standard for CGI-based web development.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Woman:  Your son was trespassing on my property and destroyed a very
        valuable stone gargoyle, and -- Are you wearing a grocery bag?

Homer:  I have misplaced my pants.

                   Bart After Dark

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