> I hope people understand the motivation behind AxKit here is not "not
> invented here". I have very specific reasons for wanting to work in XML,
> and to be able to do so in a 110% W3C compliant way (the extra 10 percent
> are the bits I've added!).
Hi Matt,

AxKit is _not_ just another templating system, it's a real new idea. So it
was worth creating it. Also I had the same ideas for Embperl 2 as you for
AxKit, long time before you start creating AxKit, I wasn't as fast as you
with implementing it (I think due to the fact that I do it in C for
performance resons, instead of Perl).

As I already expressed in other mails and on the Perl conference, I hope
AxKit and Embperl can come together at some points and benefit from each
other, let's see what the future brings...


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