On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Gerald Richter wrote:

> >
> > I see the plethora of templating tools as being the single
> > biggest problem with
> > Perl web application development right now.
> >
> Embperl is one of first templating systems. When other people came up with
> new ideas, I always ask them if there is a chance to integrate these ideas
> and put our developement power together. Nobody done so far, everybody had
> more or less good reasons to develop his own module (Joshua outlined some of
> them why he started Apache::ASP). After tring this for two years I have
> given up.
> For me it looks like every Perl programmer that does Web application must
> create his own templatings system.

I hope people understand the motivation behind AxKit here is not "not
invented here". I have very specific reasons for wanting to work in XML,
and to be able to do so in a 110% W3C compliant way (the extra 10 percent
are the bits I've added!).


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
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