> On 27-Jul-2000 Joshua Chamas wrote:
> > I agree with your thoughts completely.  One of the reasons why
> > I built Apache::ASP was that ASP is a widely used standard,
> > albeit one that Microsoft developed.  I wanted to be able to
> > leverage the mindshare of ASP scripters & from a templating
> > standpoint, and this is part of the reason why I didn't
> > run with Embperl in the first place.
> That doesn't make sense. Granted, Embperl isn't any kind of standard, but any
> Perl programmer should be able to pickup Embperl in a day or so and Perl is
> pretty much THE standard for CGI-based web development.

Like I said, it was _one_ of the reasons.  Another was
that at the time there was no functioning Apache::Session,
so embperl had no session management, which I really liked
about ASP.  Another reason was that embperl at the time
did not allow for natural scripting with code like ASP does:
<% for(1..6) { %>
  <li> line number <%= $_ %>
<% } %>

I think this has also changed since for embperl.  I really 
liked ASP's natural scripting, and I really tried to qualify
above that having the ASP standard and mindshare was ONE
of MANY reasons why I thought Apache::ASP would be a better
web publishing solution that what else I had seen at the time.

Did you know that ASP also has a really great event model,
like Session_OnStart, Session_OnEnd, etc, I still don't see 
this in the other templating modules.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

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