Thanks, Ken.

We looked at Template::Toolkit and also at Axkit, but both 
seemed to be much larger hammers than we needed.   It also 
(and I could be incorrect here) did not appear to have the 
capability to select the included component dynamically 
based upon information provided at request time, and pass 
that information into the component.

There was also a concern with implementation time.  The 
site in question is already operational, with a few hundred 
static pages and a fair number of CGIs.   Retrofitting all 
of the pages to work with the toolkit seemed to be a 
daunting task.  That's not even including the time involved 
in teaching your web developers how to use the new system.

My plan seems simpler - create the default header, footer, 
and toolbar files, write a script to strip out that 
information from the existing site files, turn on the 
handler, and go.   Don't let the templating system handle 
anything except templating, and leave all the logic up to 
the component and content files which could be html, cgi, 


At 10:41 AM 8/23/00, Ken Y. Clark wrote:
>is there a particular reason why you've not chosen to use 
>one of the very
>excellent existing templating systems?  i've used 
>HTML::Template for many
>things;  it's very lightweight and incredibly easy, and 
>i'm pretty sure it
>would solve your problems.  lately, i've been getting into
>Template::Toolkit, and i find it to be *very* powerful, 
>easy, and much
>more flexible than HTML::Template.  i'd really recommend 
>you exhaust all
>your options with one of the currently available template 
>kits on CPAN
>before you roll your own.

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