At 02:11 PM 8/23/00, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Todd Finney wrote:
> > We were looking for a way to do only templating, and 
> leave
> > (essentially)  everything else on the site alone.
>For that, Template Toolkit, HTML::Template, or 
>CGI::FastTemplate are
>probably your best options.

As I said, Template::Toolkit is nice, but more tool than we 
need.  I'll have to investigate the last two.

> > Almost, but we still have a couple of concerns about
> > it.  First, it would mean that we'd have to update all 
> the
> > cgis to not use for form argument handling.
>You mean for HTML generation and "sticky" forms?  You can 
>still use
>for that with Template Toolkit and I think you can with 
>Mason as
>well.  Take a look at the mail archives.

The concern was specifically related to Mason.  See 
my reply to Matt for a link to the FAQ to which I was 

> > Second, we need to be able to do per-user templates, 
> which I don't
> > believe it can do (can AxKit do that?).
>You can modify the template path at run time with any of 
>these, which
>should do the trick.

I didn't realize that was so basic a requirement, but I 
suppose it would be handy in a lot of situations.


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