If you haven't seen it already, you might want to take a look at Webmin's facilities 
for MySQL.  It's actually pretty good--but I think you've got a good idea to build a 
more general one..

It'd would be a good idea in particular to build an MS Access-like Query Builder to 
help people build queries quickly.....doesn't seem to me like it should be hard.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/01/00 11:24 AM >>>


I need a tool to interactively visualize DB tables from a web interface.
Ideally this tool would let me:

- rename column headers,
- set cell alignments, widths, background colors,
- reorder columns,
- save all these visualisation settings in a DB,
- it would be written in perl (even better: mod_perl),

Does such a beast exist? I am in the process of writing one, so I
thought I'd check first...

Thanks in advance,

Louis-David Mitterrand - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.apartia.org

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