> > I need a tool to interactively visualize DB tables from a web interface.
> > Ideally this tool would let me:
> >
> > - rename column headers,
> > - set cell alignments, widths, background colors,
> > - reorder columns,
> > - save all these visualisation settings in a DB,
> > - it would be written in perl (even better: mod_perl),

I have written a tool that let you view/browse/search/edit database tables
or single rows. It's a Perl modules and it's based on HTML::Embperl
(therefore it runs under mod_perl) and DBIx::Recordset. I have used it
sucessfully with mysql, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MSAccess, but it should also
work for other databaseses for which a DBD driver exists.

You can use it as standlone tool for maintaining a database or embedd it's
(configurable) views inside of other webpages. The configurations is
currently stored in a text file, but it should be very easy to put it into a
DB. A large set of configuration options exists to adapt the look and feel.

The only reason, why I didn't released it to CPAN yet is, that I don't have
the time to write some more docs for it (basic docs are available). If
anybody wants to take a look at it, drop me a not and I send you a copy.


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