On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Marinos J. Yannikos wrote:
> Something else that seems to work well, although I can't really
> explain it, is to disable keepalive support. For some reason, the
> number of concurrent processes (for a single server setup) went from
> 70-80 to approx. 20(!), without a noticeable drop in performance or
> page impressions.

KeepAlive will cause a connection to stay open (and a process to stay busy
listening on it) for a period of time after the response is sent, even if
nothing at all is happening on that connection.  I think the default wait
is 15 seconds.  That can really add up fast when you have your MaxClients
set at less than 100.

KeepAlive is great on a proxy server or dedicated image server though.

- Perrin

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