At 08:53 17/11/2000 +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
>However, at the same time... I do know that when I go to the Microsoft 
>World I get really annoyed at the fact that VBScript syntax means different 
>things to different apps including IIS. And that it's so different from VB, 
>I can't believe they have the nerve to say VB Programmers will pick up 
>VBScript quickly.

I don't think this is really an issue. The small Perls have the same
syntax, the main difference is that some things are missing. It should be
fairly easy then to come up with a list of what one can't do.

>so that Apache::Backhand could run in a smaller 
>footprint for writing candidacy functions (just don't run them in Florida 
>-- sorry that was bad, I couldn't resist).

Lol :)

-- robin b.
"What I like about deadlines is the lovely whooshing sound they make as
they rush past." --Douglas Adams

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