"Thomas J. Mather" wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Michael Nachbaur wrote:
> > I don't know what I'm getting at here, but I see that Perl is half a
> > step behind Java in many ways, except for the performance issues
> > (which perl is leagues ahead).  For my company, we're probably going
> > Java, but it sorta makes sense for us (we need an enterprise solution
> > now...not when the Perl community gets around to it).

Server side performance of Java shouldn't be an issue for you.

> How exactly does Java provide a better "enterprise solution" than
> Perl?  And how can the Perl community better provide an "enterprise
> solution"?

I've worked with both (Java 2 EE and tools like Apache::ASP/Mason). What
people want out of an "enterprise solution" is a middle tier which is
not tied into the presentation. When you free your process decisions
from the presentation in that way, you can implement a B2B type
transactions much more easily. The rationale for J2EE is already defined
quite well in this way.


> I guess what I'm getting at is that I hear a lot of marketing hype about
> Java being a better "enterprise solution", but I'm curious as to what are
> the purely technical reasons for using Java over Perl.  What exactly can
> you do in Java that you can't do as easily in Perl?

Transaction support for your business logic is easy in J2EE. It's not
clear how you do this in Perl? By CORBA ORBs and TMs I suspect, but
there's no real standard framework for that in Perl. There are other
lesser advantages too... standardized XML support is one of them
(topical for me right now).

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