"Eustace, Glen" wrote:


> going to go the Java way, the reasons have all been stated in this thread
> before; Market hype, its an expensive solution so it must be good, its a
> cool new technology, you can't get good perl programmers, its what is being
> used by everyone else, we don't understand mod_perl ( they don't understand
> the java solution either ), we can buy the business logic we don't have to
> build it ...

I've developed in both (mod_perl indirectly via Apache::ASP) and I say
there really is more than "market hype" to the Java enterprise
technologies. There is good rationale behind it's design. Some smart
engineering has gone into the J2EE framework. I recommend the
specification documents for excellent examples and explanation (it's not
your everyday dry spec document). If I were developing an application
which fit well into the two-tier model however, a mod_perl based plan
would be my first preference -- development time is shorter than
JSP/Servlet and maintainability is _at_least_ comparible.

Myth: J2EE is an expensive solution. This is simply wrong. There are at
least two open source EJB servers and containers (http://www.jboss.org
being my favourite), for the web side there is at least Tomcat and Jetty
(both open source) and a bunch of web web publishing frameworks
(XSP/Cocoon, Enhydra etc.) to chose from -- all free.

> I like the perl/mod_perl solution, it works well for me, I believe it is
> also an appropriate technology for solving enterprise problems. The biggest
> hurdle we have faced in trying to get it considered has been market

I like mod_perl solutions too. There are however, problems which are
better solved by an enterprise suite. Java of which provides the most
simple by far.


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