stas said:

> What we want is very simple. 
> 1. We want many users, so they will thoroughly test the 
> software and spot
> bugs asap, so we -- current users will get a better product.
> 2. We want more developers, so they will write core mod_perl 
> and 3rd party
> modules, again for us current users to re-use and save development
> time. The first item is directly linked to the second, as new 
> developers
> come out from users.

> That's all. The advocacy project is about making people 
> interested in perl
> and mod_perl, versus php and java. You see we just loose the 
> testing power
> and development power because we cannot attract these people 
> to join *our*
> community.
> So all the fuss is not about marketing, press and other commercial
> bullshit.
> It's about people since Open Source without people will not exist.
> If we don't ensure that there is a constant income of new 
> people to the
> project, we cannot ensure the future of the project.
> I hope that our initiative is better understood now.

ok, it sounds like 'marketing' is a dirty word. how about 'outreach'? 

i just don't see how you plan to attract all these fresh people without
doing something to get the word out. putting links on perl sites is a great
idea, but you're basically just trying to convert the converts. i agree that
getting more people who use perl to adopt mod_perl is a necessity. these are
the people who can contribute to development, thorough testing, and spotting

to get 'many users', 'attract these people to join *our* community' and
'ensure that there is a constant income of new people to the project', you
need to either convert the java/php people or grab the newbies who haven't
chosen a technology yet. these people don't visit perl sites, as a rule.
making installation and configuration as simple as possible, as suggested,
is a great idea. but i still think that mod_perl/perl needs more mainstream
exposure. i'm not talking about selling out, god forbid, but getting some
positive press never hurt. would a link to perl/mod_perl books on a php/java
book page at the o'reilly site be selling out? would a press release from
some corporation stating that they use and have faith in the open souce
mod_perl solution be commercial bullshit? maybe i  AM missing the point, i
don't know.

thanks for listening.


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