
Yeah, I was thinking about something like that at first, but I've never played
with named pipes, and it didn't sound too safe after reading the perlipc man
page.  What do you use, Perl open() calls, IPC::Open2/3, IPC::ChildSafe, or
something else?  How stable has it been for you?  I just didn't like all those
warnings in the IPC::Open2 and perlipc man pages.


Sean Chittenden wrote:
>         The night of Fat Tuesday no less...  that didn't help any
> either.  ::sigh::
>         Here's one possibility that I've done in the past becuase I
> needed mod_perl sessions to be able to talk with non-mod_perl
> programs.  I setup a named bi-directional pipe that let you write a
> query to it for session information, and it wrote back with whatever
> you were looking for.  Given that this needed to support perl, java,
> and c, it worked _very_ well and was extremely fast.  Something you
> may also want to consider because it keeps your session information
> outside of apache (incase of restart of apache, or desire to
> synchronize session information across multiple hosts).
>         -sc

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