
Please don't turn mailing lists replies into private threads.  If I've
replied to the list and not privately to you, this means that I wanted the
replies and follow-ups to go to the list. We [supporting community] do
this for these reasons:

* We didn't volunteer to be your private help-desk, we reply when we can
and know, so by keeping the replies on the list we distribute the work
between us all.

* Other people might encounter the same problem, and they will benefit
from reading the replies and troubleshooting notes for the same problem.

* Finally the list is archived and people reuse the answers later on,
without bothering the list with repeated questions.

* Also very infrequently you might receive a bad advice, and you might not
be aware of it. The list dwellers will detect this (almost) immediately.

Please understand these rules and keep list replies at the list.

[ Of course if someone replies to your question in private you should keep
the reply private, don't repost it in public unless you have the other
person's permission to do that! ]


See some hints below:

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Anuradha Satyanarayana wrote:

> Thanks a  lot !!!
> After all i got a reply. I am still stuck with the same problem.
> I have already installed LW P modules, HTML::HeadParser is also installed,
> Apache 1.3.4, libwwwp, and all the other modules. Still then i am getting
> these daignostic messages.
> In some mails in the mailing list, some guy had got the same problem and u
> had mentioned him to upgrade his Apache  Version.  Please tell me if i need
> to do so.
> I have Apache1.3.4  installed on my machine and modperl 1.25 version.
> The problem comes once i give the Makefile command.
> Perl Makefile  APACHE_SRC=../../src  NO_HTTPD=1 USE APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1
> I have thoroughly gone throught the documentation but could not find any
> exact answer.
> Will be waiting for your reply.
> Thanks and regards
> Anuradha

Chances are that you have a few different Perl installations and you use a
different Perl when you build mod_perl. To check this, run:

$ perl -V

look at the @INC and make sure that the reported missing modules installed
in one of the paths reported in @INC. This should resolve your problem.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide

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