>> Ahhh. Ok. What's this $SIG{'USR2'} thingy. What's that do?

Well, that's all fine and dandy, and I've gone through there before, but 
the only thing the search engine brings up concerning USR2 is:

   >The above code asigns a signal handler for the USR2 signal.
   >This signal has been chosen because it's least likely to be
   >used by the other parts of the server.

That, unfortunately doesn't tell me what causes a USR2 signal to be sent to 
Apache. Or when it's caused. I only want to reload the file when said file 
has changed. Am I supposed to do some checking against the file -M time 
myself, and then send a USR2 signal myself?

Morbus Iff
.sig on other machine.

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