On Thu, 10 May 2001, Ray Zimmerman wrote:

> I'm aware of Tangram, Alzabo and SPOPS (not sure all these do what I
> need) ... are there any others? Any particular reasons why any of
> these may not play with with mod_perl/Mason?

Well, I wrote Alzabo and it plays just fine with mod_perl and Mason.  In
fact, the schema creation interface is a set of Mason components.  The
caching/syncing architecture was specifically created to allow syncing of
objects between multiple processes (ala mod_perl) and I will be creating a
syncing module sometime that sync between multiple machines as well.

I think the author of SPOPS is also a mod_perl user (I'm pretty sure he's
posted to the mod_perl list in the past) so I'd expect it to play nice.

Tangram I don't know much about in relation to mod_perl.

However, these are all fairly different systems.  I often descrive Alzabo
as the opposite of Tangram, for instance.  Alzabo is an RDBMS-OO mapper
and Tangram is an OO-RDBMS mapper.  Tangram is aimed at letting you have
transparent OO persistence in an RDBMS without worrying about the schema
too much.  Alzabo is about taking an RDBMS and giving you access to it
through convenient object methods.

I'm not sure exactly what the goal of SPOPS is, so I'll let the author
speak for himself.


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