On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, kyle dawkins wrote:

kd> Well, yes and no.  I was citing that example as *another* reason to keep
kd> SQL out of your application-level code.
kd> If you do, as Henrik suggests, write pure SQL92, then obviously you
kd> wouldn't need to wrap all your SQL in "ifs" like they did with
kd> wwwthreads... you could just switch out MySQL and switch in Filemaker
kd> Pro if it supported SQL92 and had a DBD module :-).  I maintain,
kd> however, that SQL embedded in application logic is evil in all but the
kd> simplest of scripts. Putting it in middleware is mandatory; I don't take
kd> issue with that.

I am not against removing redudancy and creating function/methods of code
that is used more than once so that you don't do the same SQL query at
several places in your code. But that is good programming practices within
your own classes/modules.

But to abstract everything to a SQL class only moves your SQL there and
probably causes severe limitations when wanting to do something advanced
Maybe if you were writing a data abstraction layer and API for some other
programmers, but if you have a database that you know only your script
will use, writing an extra abstraction seems very overkill.

I could see a use for abstraction if we were going to support several
different query languages, but as long as we only use SQL my belief is
that DBI is abstraction enough to maintain DMBS interoperability. And of
course only use SQL92.

Someone once said that more abstraction levels than four (4) is counter

I can see both sides in real life. It all comes down to what kind of
application development you are doing. And writing your SQL in your main
Perl code now does not make it impossible in the future to abstract it to
it's own class. But I have seen whole applications go under because they
have been so heavily abstracted that in the end no one is even sure what
happens anymore - and then of course - class/object operations in Perl 5
are not the fastest either.

Regards, Henrik

Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; shit
happens." -- Angelina Jolie

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